Wouldn’t it be awesome to never lose an online sale just because the warehouse has a stockout? Or generate extra in-store sales by giving your customers an easier, quicker way to shop? RFID has got your back, friend. It can do all this and more — allow our experts to show you how!

RFID for store fulfillment: how does it work?

RFID (radio-frequency identification) is a wireless communication technology with the power to give you up to 99 percent inventory accuracy. That’s because each product is tagged with a unique RFID chip that can track that item from the manufacturer to the store and — depending on the inlay and product — beyond. Just scan your RFID inlay, and you can unlock the information stored on that chip, such as value chain info, purchase history, and more.

Read: What is RFID? Everything you need to know

Retail brands that use RFID have impeccable inventory accuracy without long, manual stock counts. They can replenish displays faster, locate any tagged item wherever it is in the network, and even place stock orders more effectively. Basically, RFID is a retailer's best friend, especially as the industry shifts towards seamless experiences and requires much faster reactions to capitalize on commercial opportunities.

Are you starting to see how this could help with online order fulfillment? Using your elite inventory transparency capabilities, you can easily see what you have and where, making it easier to use your stock more smartly. Which leads us onto the benefits…


3 ways RFID can boost profits via online sales

1.   Makes your stores more profitable

Just because you sold the item online doesn’t mean it has to be sent from a warehouse. When you have the power of RFID on your side, you can see exactly what stock you have and where, making it far easier to send an item from a local store instead. Not only does this make brick-and-mortar stores more profitable, but it also frees up capital by helping you scale back on expensive warehouse costs.

The magic of RFID doesn’t stop there, friends. When you use the technology in tandem with cloud-based inventory software like our ItemOptix for Retail, you can get your mitts on valuable, real-time sales data. Faster intel like this makes it easier for each store to merchandise based on localized shopping trends and identify best sellers quicker. Told ya it was magic!

2.   Never miss an online sales opportunity

How many sales do you miss out on when you run out of online warehouse stock? Yeah…it doesn't bear thinking about! The good news is that when you tag your products with RFID, you can fulfill any online sale if you have the item in stock somewhere in your network. And you'll only have accurate inventory figures and stock locations with technology like RFID.

3.   Quicker, easier service for customers

Using your stores to fulfill customer orders is a nifty way of giving a quicker, easier service. Rather than waiting for the item to be shipped, your customers can get same-day fulfillment through a BOPIS (buy online, pick up in-store) service.

Not only are your customers getting faster service, but you could potentially cut down the CO2 emissions associated with shipping. You could also boost your customers' basket value with tantalizingly merchandised displays and in-store experiences they can’t get online.

Read: Unlocking the power of beautiful displays with RFID


How to go from screen to store with RFID

You’ll need one essential component if you want quicker ROI, a super smooth rollout, and a solution tailored to your budget, products, goals, and use case. And that component is a team of RFID experts.

The RFID pros at Checkpoint have decades of experience guiding retailers like you through planning and implementing RFID solutions. This is handy because there are tons of RFID inlay options to suit different use cases, product types, and tagging locations. If boosting store sales via online channels is your goal, they’ll help you achieve it.

Explore our RFID inlay portfolio

RFID experts can also help you manage the entire process, including global staff training in factories and in-store, sourcing the RFID inlays, and applying them. That’s why it’s a smart move to go with a vertically integrated global supplier like Checkpoint — it’s basically everything you need, all in one partner, all over the world. Sorted!


Ready to boost brick-and-mortar sales while providing the best service possible? Contact our team and get the ball rolling. We love a challenge, and in our decades working with RFID, there isn’t much we haven’t seen. You’re welcome to send us your burning questions, too — we’re always happy to share what we know. Give us your questions, or head back to the blog to learn more about RFID, branding, and apparel labeling.