You've got two options ahead of you. Will you decide to roll out your RFID project as a steadily spreading 'evolution'? Or will you overhaul everything at once in one grand 'revolution'? Neither one will cause you to stay in/drop out of the Matrix, but the impact on your business will be significant…if you make the right choice. There are a lot of factors to consider, so let’s get into it!

Read: Everything you need to know about RFID


Evolution vs revolution


Evolutions are slow, steady affairs — slow burners that allow you to take your RFID implementation step by step until you reach your ideal destination. You can start with key SKUs or product groups, strategically tagged to prove ROI potential before you forge ahead with the whole shebang.

The ‘evolution’ RFID rollout approach is fab for brands with a wide range of SKUs or a more measured approach to budgeting. You can start with your best sellers, high-value products, or products prone to inaccurate inventory figures.

You can also use the evolution approach to combine the benefits of RFID with improved loss prevention. By tagging your high-theft or high-value products with inlays like our UNO Dual Technology labels, you can get discreet loss prevention (or an added layer of protection alongside your hard tags) without overhauling your existing RF hardware.

Learn more about UNO Dual Technology labels

Although you have options for approaching your RFID evolution, the easiest and most affordable route is to start with a roll of RFID-encoded stickers. Just apply them to the garment swing tags on selected product lines, and you're away! Our experts will be there to talk you through it and train your store staff, too.

RFID stickers placed on hangtags attached to tshirts



Ready for a complete overhaul? A dramatic makeover? You could opt for a total RFID revolution with all the bells and whistles. It's an excellent approach for retailers with an easily modified source-tagging process, a manageable number of SKUs, or a healthy budget upfront.

The great thing about RFID is that you're very likely to get your investment back in a year or less, so that high upfront cost could easily be back in your tills in no time (we've done hundreds of RFID project rollouts over the years, and this is usually the case!).

Our team would work with you to decide which RFID inlays are the best match for your products, your tags, and your KPIs. After that, we’ll get our local experts to train your factory teams on how to embed and scan RFID inlays successfully, so the garments are ready as soon as they come off the delivery truck, complete with supply chain info dating back to the initial tag. Very useful intel to have!

Loss prevention can also be included in your RFID revolution. For example, if you combine our UNO Dual Technology labels with SFERO, our RFID as EAS modular security system, you’ll enjoy a possible detection capability of more than 95% while creating the open, experiential physical spaces customers are looking for. Radical? Yes. Effective? Absolutely!

Learn more about SFERO

Embedded RFID solutions are great for more revolutionary RFID projects


4 factors to consider

There's a good chance you have an idea of which approach is best for your brand based on the intel we've already provided. Either way, it's a good idea to review this list of considerations before you start plotting your rollout…

1)   What are your KPIs?

The KPIs and goals for your RFID project will heavily determine which course of action is best for you. If you’re striving to reach the level of stock accuracy needed for omnichannel or plan to use RFID for process overhauls (like reseller programs or groundbreaking sustainability initiatives), you might need a revolution!

Just need accurate inventory figures and faster replenishment for your top products? A staged rollout is a sensible route to take. Our advice? Note down those must-have KPIs and share them with your RFID expert.

2)   What are your processes?

Your RFID project goes far beyond the staff in your stores or your eCommerce warehouse. For example, are your overseas factory teams RFID savvy and well-equipped to take on a massive overhaul? Do you have processes higher up your supply chain that can easily handle a hardcore RFID project rollout? Or is staging a smarter way to usher in the change?

3)   What’s your budget?

Budget is a biggie when it comes to RFID rollout approaches! For example, if you’re not quite ready to upgrade the EAS hardware in all your stores but still want the loss prevention benefits of RFID, you could start with Dual Technology labels. You’ll be able to start reaping the benefits without upgrading your existing hardware.

Tagging at source can also be more involved and more expensive than applying a roll of stickers to selected products in store. Luckily, a team of experts like ours can help you run the numbers and find a way to achieve your KPIs.

4)   What’s your timeline?

When do you want to start reaping the benefits of your RFID implementation? Is there a set deadline you're working towards, or do you have a more flexible timeline for your rollout? Note down key dates and landmarks to use when assessing your options. Evolutions are quicker to action than revolutions, but it's always best to get the help of experienced pros when weighing up your options.


Do you know which RFID approach you’ll go with? If you’re still not sure or want expert help, contact our team today. We’ve overseen hundreds of RFID projects and even invented inlays to meet client use cases and goals. No matter your project's speed, scale, or scope, we'll find a way to get you as close to your target as possible.

Want to learn more about RFID? Visit our blog for more insights on the technology and its uses. If there’s something you want covered but can’t find, let us know! Knowledge sharing is our groove.